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In August , automotive exports decreased 0.8% having shipped 260,607 units , according to the Mexican Automotive Industry Association ( Asociación Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz abbreviated AMIA ).
Mexico's auto exports to the United States decreased 6.1% having shipped 191,515 vehicles .
While exports to Germany decreased 18.6% and exports to Brazil decreased 39.8% . The U.S., Germany, and Brazil are some of the main destinations for Mexico's automotive exports.
Assembly plants that lower their importation volume in August were Ford with a 17.6% decrease, Honda with 15.9% , Mazda with 1.9% , Nissan with 26.3% , Toyota with 9.5% and Volkswagen with 18.9% .
Regarding production, 351,855 vehicles were produced in August indicating a 5.7% increase compared to August 2016.