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“En algunos años habrá una secretaria de la Defensa”, afirma subdirectora de la Escuela Militar de Medicina

Claudia Sheinbaum, por definir asistencia presencial a reunión "urgente" de la Celac; migración, tema clave del encuentro

Noroña califica política de EU como hipócrita, racista y fascista; se solidariza con Petro ante deportaciones

Magistrada Mónica Soto propone sustituir al Comité de Evaluación del PJ; plantea someter a insaculación a aspirantes elegibles

Magistrado Reyes Rodríguez propone validar registros de aspirantes con promedio inferior a 8; excluirlos es “estigmatizante”, señala
The Government of Canada has issued a travel advisory for Canadian citizens on holidays in the Mexican Caribbean, asking them to avoid tourist ferries traveling along the Playa del Carmen-Cozumel route, in Quintana Roo.
The alert comes after the events of February 21, 2018, when an explosive device detonated on a tourist ferry in Playa del Carmen, injuring several individuals.
The advisory also mentions that an additional explosive device was also found on a ferry operating the route and that some cruise lines – no names provided – have canceled excursions using ferry services in Playa del Carmen .
Overall, the Canadian Government asks its citizen to exercise a “high degree of caution” due to high levels of criminal activity, especially on the Northern states yet it clarifies the level of crime is “relatively low compared to the national average” in resorts and major tourist destinations.
Regarding organized crime , the Government reminds its citizens that violence related to criminal groups has “increased throughout the country in 2017” and that it doesn't exclude the states with major tourist cities Cancún and Los Cabos.
For more information and recommendations, please visit Canada's official website (in English and French).