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Presupuesto para migrantes le corresponden a Sheinbaum: Comisión en Diputados; SHCP podría aumentarlos a favor de repatriados
Comisión en San Lázaro prevé ratificar Ley del Infonavit sin modificaciones; Comités serán tripartitas: Morena
Hay “conversaciones estratégicas” con equipo de Trump, afirma Esteban Moctezuma; presume acudir a investidura
ONGs acusan a Garduño de eludir responsabilidad en incendio de INM de Ciudad Juárez; exigen justicia por 40 migrantes
Vinculan a proceso a “Billy” Álvarez por lavado y liderar grupo delictivo; exdirector de Cruz Azul continúa en prisión
Boris Johnson
, the ebullient Brexiteer who has promised to lead Britain out of the European Union with or without a deal by Halloween, will replace Theresa May as prime minister after winning the leadership of the Conservative Party on Tuesday.
His victory catapults the United Kingdom towards a Brexit showdown with the European Union and towards a constitutional crisis at home, as British lawmakers have vowed to bring down any government that tries to leave the bloc without a divorce deal .
Johnson, the face of the 2016 Brexit referendum , won 92,153 votes by members of the Conservative Party. His rival, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt , won 46,656 votes.