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Dan a Garduño suspensión de proceso penal por incendio del INM en Ciudad Juárez; debe ofrecer disculpas públicas

Muere Rodolfo Landeros, hermano del presidente del Teletón; “permanecerá en la memoria de nuestros corazones”

Sheinbaum asegura que economía mexicana “está bien” gracias a la 4T; inaugura carretera Mitla-Tehuantepec en Oaxaca
A Black Tuesday for Peña Nieto's friends
say you shouldn't marry or get pregnant on a Tuesday and it seems like the superstition was true for some. This Tuesday 13 will be remembered as one of the most difficult days in Rosario Robles ' life, the former Sedatu and Sedesol minister during the Peña Nieto administration . Yesterday, the former cabinet minister was taken to the Santa Martha Acatitla prison, accused of improper performance of duties , nevertheless, Robles shouldn't be the only one worried by the decision made by the judge but also former President Enrique Peña Nieto and the former PRI presidential candidate, José Antonio Meade ; the judge suggested they both should be investigated to learn if they were involved in the fraud known as the Estafa Maestra , where MXN $5,000 were diverted. In regards to superstitions, last month, Peña Nieto's personal lawyer Juan Collado was also arrested on a Tuesday. So just in case, Peña Nieto and Meade should be careful about Tuesdays.
Are neoliberals advising the government?
Yesterday there were rumors that the Finance Minister, Arturo Herrera , met with José Antonio Meade , who had been mentioned by Rosario Robles ' team and linked to the Estafa Maestra . During the meeting, Meade was accompanied by his partner and former Finance Minister José Antonio González Anaya and although the meeting wanted to be kept a secret, it wasn't the case. We've been told they had breakfast and that it was a scheduled courtesy and that Meade and Anaya left the National Palace at 9 AM. Both “ neoliberals ,” as the President calls them, left in the same car. The exit was photographed and for hours no one dared to confirm or deny the meeting, not even the Minister . A few hours later, he confirmed the meeting through Twitter . There are two questions: Are neoliberals advising the current administration? Did they try to deny the meeting after Robles involved Meade in the Estafa Maestra?
What about protocol?
Even after the Presidential band was modified by Congress the President forgot to wear it. President López Obrador forgot that the 35th article forces him to wear it on certain occasions, for example, when he receives the f oreign ambassadors' credentials. On Monday, the President received the credentials of the new ambassadors of Indonesia, South Africa, Nicaragua, and China but he forgot to wear the band!
From roads to radio stations
After Infraiber lost its contracts in the state of Mexico , its owners Pedro Topete and Paulo Díez moved on and the lawyers are now taking cases, especially those that have to do with the concession of key roads. We've been told that they have been surrounded by a lot of accusations and trials now that they changed their careers. Now they are both trying to join the media industry: it's rumored that they want to have their own radio station and that they have reached out to famous hosts. Who will be the brave ones who will join the project?