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“Mexicana de Aviación, un proyecto que sangra dinero y que ha costado más de 35 mil mdp”; Juan Carlos Machorro en Con los de Casa
Robberies in public transport
have become a huge challenge for the authorities, especially in Mexico City and the state of Mexico. The operations implemented by past administrations have had fleeting success. As soon as the authorities let their guard down, crimes are perpetrated once again or while there are police officers deployed in a critical area, the criminals simply operate in other areas, which is called the “cockroach effect.”
In the current administration, the situation is still the same. To fight robberies , the authorities launched an operation to deploy 140 police officers among 8 bus routes in Iztapalapa . The criminals reacted the way they were expected to: they moved onto another target and they began operating in the RTP (Passenger Transport Network) buses . In the last 15 days, 5 robberies have been registered in these buses , which had been immune to robberies . The most recent robbery took place on Monday when two passengers were murdered by criminals .
Now, the deployment of 200 police officers was announced, who will travel inside the buses during rush hour. Then, who will the criminals target now? What is going to happen when the police officers are no longer deployed?
Something that any government has to set as its main goal in the fight against crime is to end with the weapons black market . In the majority of robberies in public transport , criminals use guns but where did these criminal groups get them?
Installing cameras inside public transport, as it has been done in the state of Mexico, hasn't been very useful. The images of the robberies have gone viral in social media but there are no signs that these images have been used to find the criminals .
The desperation that has taken over society has resulted in so-called “anonymous vigilantes ,” who only promote the law of the jungle. Clearly, this isn't the best way to solve the issue. Authorities are in charge of solving the issue.
Robberies in public transport
affect those who have less: those who don't own a car or don't have enough resources to take a taxi, therefore, implementing actions to diminish crime is necessary.
The government can't deploy a police officer to protect each citizen. It's necessary that the operations lead to arrests and trials that result in guilty verdicts against the criminals . If this doesn't happen, then there can't be talks about success.