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Bimbo Group
received its first Clean Energy Certificate for Distributed Generation (CEL) . It will allow the company to market it and contribute to Mexico 's aim of using 50% renewable energy by 2050.
"With the systems we installed, we are now using clean energy and now we can help users and companies in the Mexican market, who have an obligation to buy at least 5% of their energy from clean sources by 2018," said Francisco Avelar.
The F inancial Planning Director and the leader of the renewable energies initiative inside the company said that with this, the company will be more responsible with the environment and generate its own certificates.

He said that by 2019, the company will use 75% of renewable energy due to several projects that it has implemented, such as Bimbo Sola r, which includes 37 solar roofs or ecological sales centers.
During a press conference, he said that this certificate will contribute to the aim of using clean energy in Mexico , as the government expects to reach 35% in 2024, 40% in 2035, and 50% by 2050.
's Commercial Director, Bimbo's solar partner, Manuel Ahumada , said that this is the first time the CEL s are granted and that the actions carried out by the company emphasize the benefits of the sun as a source of energy , in companies and homes all over the country.
While the president of the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), Guillermo García Alcocer , mentioned that thanks to the commitment of companies such as Bimbo , it will be possible to fulfill the aim of generating electricity from clean sources , as established by the Mexican legislation.
Bimbo currently registers a solar energy consumption of 20%, while 80% is provided by its wind farm in Oaxaca , in addition to its 33 solar panel roofs , it is working on the decrease of its carbon footprint , water footprint, and waste management.