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The price of the basket of goods stood at 8.80% in October reaching its highest increase in about 17 years , since November 2000 , when it reached 9.03% , according to data released by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography ( Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía abbreviated Inegi ).
In October, inflation increased slightly due to electricity prices and the regularization in transportation services in Mexico City after the earthquakes in September. Once the rates and prices were normalized, there was an unusual growth, including subway and electric transport with 30.70% increase .
Moreover, the National Consumer Price Index increased 0.63% compared to the previous month, its highest rate since October 2011.
As a result, annual inflation reached 6.37% , higher than the 6.35% reported in September , but lower than 6.66% in August .
The monthly variation of the underlying price index , excluding more volatile prices of goods and services increased 0.25% while the annual variation was 4.77% , its second consecutive decrease since August .
It should be noted that there is a risk of an impact after the recent depreciation of the Mexican peso , according to Eduardo González , analyst at CitiBanamex .