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Diego Balleza
had a masterful participation in the Individual 10-meter platform competition and was crowned as world college champion in the 30th Summer Universiade taking place in Napoli, Rome .
The athlete from Nuevo León, Mexico dominated the competition from start to end and obtained 453.70 points , punctuation that resembles more that of a world championship rather than a Universiade. This score allowed him to sweep his competitors.
The Mexican had more than 30 points over the second place , the Chinese Bowen Huang , who finished the competition with 417.35 points, while he overtook the third place for over 50 points, the Canadian Paraudi Gosselin , who finished with 399.10 units.
Balleza had already given a gold medal to the Mexican delegation on Sunday, when he was crowned in mixed synchronized diving , also from the 10-meter platform, with Alejandra Estrella .
Despite this result, Balleza was left out by the Mexican Swimming Federation for the Panamerican Games , while he will only compete in the team modality for the Gwangju Swimming World Championships . That is, he will not participate neither in the individual nor in the synchronized modalities.
Balleza is trained by Ma Jin , like the rest of the Mexican divers who won medals in the Summer Universiade.
At the moment, Mexico already has 9 medals in the competition; 4 of them are gold .
The National Commission for Physical Culture and Sport (CONADE) congratulated Diego Balleza on his achievement.