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Noroña califica política de EU como hipócrita, racista y fascista; se solidariza con Petro ante deportaciones
Magistrada Mónica Soto propone sustituir al Comité de Evaluación del PJ; plantea someter a insaculación a aspirantes elegibles
Magistrado Reyes Rodríguez propone validar registros de aspirantes con promedio inferior a 8; excluirlos es “estigmatizante”, señala
¿Eres madre trabajadora? Puedes acceder a las guarderías del IMSS; descubre los requisitos y cómo hacerlo
El primer megapuente de 2025 se acerca; ¿cuándo inicia y qué estudiantes tendrán descanso de 4 días?
Bad news for the Federal Police
Not only did employees from the SAT, National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Financial Service Users , and the National Bank Commission began 2019 without major medical insurance , we've been told that elements from the Federal Police were sent an e-mail at midnight to inform them they no longer had this benefit. Nevertheless, we've been told that some public servants from the SAT , Condusef , CNBV , and the Federal Police are going to fight this decision: many are looking for counsel to learn how viable is it to file an “ amparo ” to keep this benefit. Will they be successful or will they have to use public hospitals ?
Morena begins its campaign with Barbosa
On New Year's Eve , PAN members from Puebla received the statement released by Morena's president, Yeidckol Polevnsky : Miguel Barbosa will be Morena's candidate to Puebla again. A week after the tragic death of Puebla's Governor, Martha Erika Alonso and her husband, Senator Rafael Moreno Valle, Yeidckol also criticized PAN members , who she accused of setting up campaign rallies at the funerals . The main point is, we've been told, that Morena won't behave and it has begun its campaign with Barbosa . We've been told that PAN members are preparing a strategy with MC and the PRD , which would also include New Alliance , to define how and who is going to be their candidate in the incoming extraordinary elections . A position that they consider as legally theirs is at stake, although Morena's president says otherwise.
AMLO will meet with Aureoles
Yesterday, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced he would return to Mexico City on Tuesday to lead the security cabinet meeting today. Nevertheless, we've been told the President will attend his first event of 2019 outside the capital, with Michoacán's PRD Governor , Silvano Aureoles Conejo , to present an integral development plan. We've been told that AMLO has scheduled a trip to Morelia on January 3 to reveal programs related to the improvement of the economy and the reactivation of the Mexican field .
All eyes are on the Supreme Court
Many politicians and members of the Judiciary have their eyes set on the Supreme Court because of two important events: the presentation of Juan Luis González Alcántara Carrancá as the new member of the court and the election of the Supreme Court 's new president. The four contenders are Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena, Jorge Mario Pardo Rebolledo, Alberto Pérez Dayán, and Arturo Zaldívar , who have offered to protect the independence of the Judiciary . In 2015, we've been told, there was a long session with 32 voting rounds that favored Luis María Aguilar Morales. What's going to happen four years later?