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Four members of a criminal cell have been arrested after the Criminal Investigation Agency secured a printing workshop used to counterfeit money .
Mexico's Office of the General Attorney ( PGR ) has charged all four individuals for the production and distribution of 30% of counterfeit bills identified by the Bank of Mexico to be in circulation, mainly in Mexico City and the State of Mexico . The most counterfeit bill in Mexico is the five-hundred one.
Authorities searched four apartments located in the Iztapalapa quarter, where they arrested four alleged members of this criminal group, including the alleged cell leader.
According to Mexico's Office of the General Attorney, they learned from their investigations that this plant was the center of operations of the cell, counterfeiting bills of varying denominations, after identical and unique patterns in the fake bills were identified by the Criminal Investigation Agency, which allowed them to be differentiated from other counterfeit notes.
Over 15,000 counterfeit five-hundred bills were seized at the plant, together with firearms, cartridges, and a dose of illegal substances.
The suspects were placed into the custody of Mexico's Office of the Prosecution according to procedure.