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On Tuesday, the exhibition titled “ Oro, Espíritu y Naturaleza de un Territorio ” ( Gold, Spirit, and Nature of a Territory ) by Colombian artist Pedro Ruíz was inaugurated by Governor José Antonio Gali Fayad and Ambassador of Colombia to Mexico Patricia Cárdenas at the Cholula Museum in Puebla , central Mexico .
On Twitter, José Antonio Gali Fayad wrote in Spanish: "We celebrate Mexico-Colombia Dual Year with the exhibition "Oro, Espíritu y Naturaleza de un Territorio” (Gold, Spirit, and Nature of a Territory) by plastic artist Pedro Ruiz. I appreciate the Ambassador's willingness, Patricia Cárdenas, to strengthen cooperation ties. Come with your family to the Cholula Museum!"
Overall, the exhibition encompasses 124 art pieces , 90 paintings evoking biculturalism made by children and young people using the acrylic on wood technique within the project “ Oro Vital ” ( Vital Gold ) while the rest were 34 paintings in oil on gold leaf by Pedro Ruíz.
The exhibition is part of the 2017-2018 Mexico-Colombia Dual Year strengthening the relationship between both countries with more than 100 academic and cultural activities.
On Twitter, the Colombian Chancellor's Office wrote in Spanish: "As part of the Mexico-Colombia Dual Year, Ambassador Patricia Cárdenas inaugurated the exhibition "Oro, Espíritu y Naturaleza de un Territorio” (Gold, Spirit, and Nature of a Territory) by Master artist Pedro Ruiz, along with the Governor of the state of Puebla and the Municipal President of San Andrés Cholula."
Governor José Antonio Gali Fayad explained that the exhibition will allow visitors to learn more about Colombian culture , as well as the expressions of both children and young people of that country.
"Discover the exhibition "Oro, Espíritu y Naturaleza de un Territorio” (Gold, Spirit, and Nature of a Territory) to be exhibited from April 10 to 21 in the Cholula Museum."