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AMLO's representative in Venezuela
After Mexico didn't join the statement made by the Lima Group , which doesn't recognize the legitimacy of Nicolás Maduro , President López Obrador will send a representative to his presidential inauguration . We've been told that Juan Manuel Nungaray , the one in charge of businesses in the Mexican embassy in Venezuela , will be present at the inauguration on January 10. Nungaray will represent Mexico , after the Mexican government withdrew its ambassador in Venezuela in May 2018. But everything changed with AMLO 's win. On Monday, chancellor Marcelo Ebrard said Mexican foreign policy will respect the self-determination of other countries and look after human rights . Of course, we've been told, in reference to the Venezuelan case.
The mystery behind the airport's corruption case
We've been told that the “confidential report” of the investigation carried out by the Federal Police , where they found alleged corruption acts, possible felonies , and the diversion on MXN $17,000 million in the Texcoco airport project, and whose content was published by EL UNIVERSAL yesterday, is an exact copy of the report sent to the President a few weeks ago. Yesterday, President López Obrador ordered the investigation of the case. But several questions arise, the President didn't read the report and hadn't he had already ordered an investigation ? The President didn't read the document and gave it someone else to follow the case? If he gave it to someone else, they didn't tell him anything? Are they starting over? A mystery that will be solved for sure, as they have promised to eradicate corruption .
Mexico to implement more social programs
Next weekend, the 4th Transformation will implement some social programs. We've been told that President López Obrador will visit one of the poorest municipalities in Mexico , Tlapa , Guerrero , to give scholarships to children and people with disabilities . On Sunday, the President will go to Chalco , Mexico, to meet and talk with some of the first beneficiaries of pensions for the elderly , who will now receive a little more money. With the President's visit to this poor municipalities, the federal government is looking to reaffirm its social commitment with marginalized and unequal communities. It will the beginning of the flow of federal resources.
Diplomats still have hope
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs , led by Marcelo Ebrard, claims that no Mexican diplomat abroad has been left without financial aid for rent and education like some diplomats told the newspaper . They explained that the Public Servants' Federal Remunerations Law established that no public servant can earn more than the President and it also says that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can't pay the tax contributions generated by remunerations, therefore, the tax generated by housing and education aid is deducted from the diplomats' salaries , so it seems like they haven't lost the battle. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs claims it has asked the Ministry of Finance for a legal opinion about the application of this rules. So, the war might not be lost.