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Anaya propone programas de visas y permisos de trabajo con EU; critica estrategia de Sheinbaum contra aranceles

Trabajadores agrícolas van por cooperativas para crear empleos para mexicanos deportados; piden apoyo a Sheinbaum

Reforma a la UNAM será democrática, afirma rector; “nuestra Universidad debe renovar sus marcos jurídicos”, expresa

Continúa extinción de dominio de cuentas bancarias de Zheli Ye Gon, acusado de lavado; juez desecha amparo

Publican en DOF decreto que crea Alimentación para el Bienestar; destacan Tiendas para “generar felicidad”

Zhenli Ye Gon, acusado de lavado de dinero, denuncia que FGR no le da acceso a expediente de extradición; interpone amparo
AMLO's uncomfortable visit to Del Mazo
The President-elect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador , will carry out a visit that won't be welcomed. They reveal that Mr. Andrés will give the bad news to Alfredo del Mazo, the State of Mexico's Governor . The President-elect has decided that the incoming administration will postpone the marginalized cities program. In the beginning, they were to invest in development programs in 15 cities, including 5 cities in the State of Mexico. We're told that the future administration won't support the State of Mexico in 2019, instead, it'll support cities in the border. Today, we're told, López Obrador will tell Del Mazo the news in private, who will hardly agree with the decision.
“El Cuau” is creating his squad
Morelos' Governor, Cuauhtémoc Blanco
, will continue to reinforce his team, with which he will lead Morelos ' destiny, along with some characters who were his teammates in one or several football teams. It turns out that the new “acquisition” is Luis Efrén Hernández Mendoza , who he met at the América football team, and then played together in Veracruz and Irapuato . Hernández was named as the head of the Morelos' Acquisition Contracts Process Unity , part of the Administration Ministry , which regulates the use of public resources and operations in regards to acquisitions. His biggest achievement, besides his 13 goals in 15 years as a professional football player, was to become Blanco's “ compadre ”, as Luis Efrén has acknowledged and showed off.
MC pressures Morena
's bench in Congress is adding insult to injury. We're told that MC put its votes on the table and called on Morena to eliminate Cipriano Charrez 's jurisdiction, who was involved in a car accident last Saturday, where a young man died. The bench, led by Tonatiuh Bravo said that Charrez must face the authorities, as the jurisdiction doesn't exempt him from being investigated and that he should face justice.
Videgaray, a battle in the Senate
We're told that the chancellor, Luis Videgaray , had to fight back in the Senate yesterday, which is similar to what he faced in the U.S . to reach an agreement that allowed a treaty with the U.S. and Canada . Mr. Luis defended President Peña Nieto 's foreign policy in regards to the protection of Mexicans in foreign countries, commerce, migration, national security, and said that he claims his historical responsibility in the relationship with the U.S. Senator Emilio Álvarez Icaza opened fire against Videgaray and tried to confront him with personal attacks. The chancellor said that there was no personalization of the foreign policy and that Mexico didn't rely on diplomacy through social media, but rather on professional negotiations with experts. The former ambassador in Brazil, Beatriz Paredes , backed the chancellor and asked Álvarez to be professional. We're told that although some Morena legislators have been critical of Videgaray , their interventions centered on the policies and not on personal attacks, unlike Álvarez Icaza.