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On September 19, Andrés Manuel López Obrador will present his national reconstruction plan after the 2017 earthquakes, which will invest MXN $45,000 million in direct aid to those affected, during its first stage.
According to a document obtained by EL UNIVERSAL , they will make a survey of people affected by last year's earthquake to learn the exact number and begin with the construction of homes in Chiapas, Oaxaca, Morelos, State of Mexico, Tabasco , and Mexico City .
The resources will come from the austerity programs and expense cuts : “In our proposal, those resources will come from the austerity plan and the redistribution of expenses. This is why we included the adequate plan to monitor or begin the reconstruction of the affected regions in the country and the damaged infrastructures in the Nation Plan 2018-2014 ”, it says.
Highways, schools, hospital and clinics, and the historical and cultural heritage
will be rebuilt as well.
The plan will be presented by L ópez Obrador in Ixtepec and Juchitán , Oaxaca , one of the most affected regions.
was the most affected region, there are 63,336 damaged homes, and 21,823. 34%, will have to be demolished.
Over 5,000 schools were destroyed or damaged , as well as 400 historical religious temples.
According to the document, the most complicated, long, and expensive stage is the recovery, because it means the construction of homes while looking not to lose their community or neighborhood structure, and that they don't go backward to previous vulnerability levels, but rather to look to lower them.
Bamboo shelters
The project takes as example the Tosepan Cooperatives Union's experience , where inhabitants from Santa Cruz Cuautomatitla, in Puebla , built family shelters made out of bamboo before beginning the reconstruction of their homes.
The project insists that the reconstruction will take years to complete.
Andrés Manuel López Obrado
r's proposal is that every victim keeps an eye on the spending of the budget , supervise the aid they get, and the fulfillment of the works .