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Cofepris realiza análisis de riesgos del colorante Rojo 3; la FDA prohibió su uso en alimentos y medicinas

Clima hoy en México: ¿Adiós frío? Pronostican ascenso gradual de temperaturas; habrá lluvias en algunos puntos del país

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The retelling of the Mexican Museum of Anthropology theft in 1985 , Museo , by Mexican director Alonso Ruizpalacios was awarded at the 15th edition of the Canacine Awards , given by movie distributors, exhibitors, producers, and service providers.
The long-feature film won the awards for Be st Picture, Best Actor (given to co-star Leonardo Ortizgris), and Best Original Screenplay .
The movie producer, Gerardo Gatica , thanked the Mexican Cinematography Institute (IMCINE) for their participation in contributing to the prosperity of Mexican cinema.
“We would like to invite the new administration to keep investing in cinema,” he stated.

At the gala conducted at the Casa de la Bola Museum in Mexico City , Fernanda Castillo won the award for Best Actress for her role in “Una mujer sin filtro,” (A Woman with No Filter). During her acceptance speech, she thanked Karina Gidi for inspiring her.
Gustavo Egelhaaf
won an award for Best New Actor for his role in “Hasta que la boda nos separe,” (Till the Wedding Do us Part), and Marianna Burelli won an award for Best New Actress.