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On Wednesday, Mexican-American actor Danny Trejo, known for his tough-guy roles in films such as “ Machete ,” helped rescue a boy who was trapped in a car that overturned after a collision in Los Angeles .
, 75, told TV station KABC-TV he was on his way to a mechanic in L.A.’s Sylmar neighborhood when he saw a motorist run a red light and crash into another car, which flipped over onto its roof in the intersection.
The boy, strapped into his car seat in the back of the car, and his grandmother, who had been driving , were both trapped in the overturned, partially crushed vehicle .
and another bystander, a woman who identified herself as Monica Jackson, teamed up to free the child before emergency personnel arrived on the scene, they said. Jackson crawled in on one side of the wreck to unbuckle the boy from his car seat, and Trejo pulled the child out from the other side.
The actor said he had to calm the boy down before he was able to free the child.
“He was panicked, and I said, ‘OK, we have to use our superpowers,’ and so he screamed, ‘Superpowers!’ and we started yelling, ‘ Superpowers ,’” Trejo recounted. “We got kind of, like, a bond, I guess.”

stayed with the boy after he was freed until his grandmother was pulled to safety by rescue workers.
KABC-TV reported that nobody was seriously injured, although three people, including the grandmother and young boy, were taken to a hospital for medical evaluation.
A city's fire department spokeswoman confirmed that two cars collided at the intersection in question, that one overturned, and that three people were taken to a hospital but was unable to provide further details.
overcame a troubled youth and served time in prison before breaking into film and television , going on to become a prolific actor who usually plays tough guys.
He is known for his role as Machete in the Spy Kids movies and later in his own Machete action film and its sequel, Machete Kills .