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Yasmín Esquivel acusa a Comité del PJF de violar derechos de aspirantes a elección judicial; “hay más de mil afectados”, reitera
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Aspirantes a elección judicial confían en proceso de selección de candidaturas; “no habrá recomendados”, expresan
and Chiapas , the most affected entities after the September 7 earthquake , are also the one with the most delays on the reconstruction , even when they are among the three entities that received the most money from the Fonden , to fix the damage caused by this earthquake and the one from September 19.
According to President Peña Nieto's 6th government report , they issued 11 disaster declarations and authorized the use of MXN $38,000 million.
is the state that received the most resources, with over MXN $7,000 million, but has only advanced 34.3% physically and 36.7% financially; it's followed with Morelos , who received MXN $5,758.9 million, with a physical advance of 38% and 43.4% financially; Chiapas is in third place, it received MXN $5,323 million and has advanced 39.7% and 37.4%; Puebla received MXN $3,548 million and reported a physical and financial advance of 67.1% and 65%.
Mexico City
received MXN $3,244 million, and reports a physical and financial advance of 42.4% and 39.9%; The State of Mexico obtained MXN $2,468 million and has an advance of 43.4% and 45.3%; Guerrero received MXN $1,642 million and has advanced 46.7% and 41%; Tlaxcala was allocated MXN $287 million and has advanced 70.6% and 62.5%, and Veracruz received MXN $58,800 million and reported an advance of 40% and 33.58%.
A year after the 8.2 earthquake that struck Mexico on September 7, 2017, there are over 8,000 victims who haven't received financial support to rebuild their homes: 3,000 in Chiapas , and 5,000 in Oaxaca .
Yet, nor the Chiapas and Oaxaca 's governments have freed the resources necessary to rebuild the survivors' homes.
In Oaxaca , besides the 5,000 victims , there are other 3,846 homes that are about to be rebuilt, and they hadn't done it before because there was a lack of resources.
Another delay is the other 400 victims who haven't received their Fonden card , confirmed Alejandro Murat . According to the Bansefi , the reasons are because the beneficiaries don't attend the appointment, mistakes in their information or incorrect addresses.