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is quite important for the environment and its equilibrium , therefore, we must preserve as many species as possible.
According to the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO) , Mexico has a privileged place in regards to biodiversity in the world. Mexico is the second country with the largest number of reptiles and the third with the largest number of mammals , the fifth in amphibians , and eight in birds .
For this reason, Mexico is targeted by criminals who illegally traffic animals . The illegal sea animals trade is one of the main reasons behind the loss of biodiversity in the country.
The illegal animal trade implies poaching , transporting, and commercializing animal or plant species protected by the law.
not only includes alive species but also products derived from them.
The most trafficked sea animals in Mexico are:
1. Totoaba
The totoaba is a fish endemic to the Gulf of California . It can measure up to 2 meters and it can weight up to 100 kilograms.
It's known as the “sea diamond” in the black market , thanks to its high prices in the Chinese market , where a kilo of totoaba can cost up to USD $2,000.
It is believed that its swim bladde r has aphrodisiac properties , therefore, it has become a luxury product in Asia .
2. Great white shark
It is one of the largest marine predators . It can ingest up to 14 food kilos in one day and can measure up to 6 meters.
Its fin is considered a delicacy and as a result, it has been overexploited and it is now in danger of extinction.
3. Corals
are made up of millions of tiny organisms called polyps . They develop very slowly and they need a warm temperature and good salinity in water. In Mexico , corals can be found in Baja California , Veracruz , Campeche , and Yucatán .
These animals are trafficked because they are demanded as decorations .
4. Seahorse
can measure between 1.8 and 35 centimeters. One of its most peculiar characteristics is that the male hatches the eggs . Its trafficking is the result of its high demand in the Asian cuisine . They are also kept as pets .
5. Sea turtle
is the country with the largest number of sea turtles species in the world, as 5 out of 6 species live in the Mexican seas . They are migratory animals , they come to Mexican beaches to lay their eggs and return to the sea .
Turtle eggs
are considered as a delicacy and are believed to have aphrodisiac properties , which has driven its demand.
In Mexico , the sale and consumption of turtle eggs are illegal and is punished with prison but this hasn't prevented the sea turtle from becoming an endangered species.