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Leer en español 1. Indra Carrillo
This young chef from Cancún opened his restaurant “La Condesa” in Paris two years ago and was recently awarded a Michelin star . Indra Castillo has worked at some of the best restaurants in the world, such as Noma, Ginza Kojyu, and Le Ritz . His food is characterized by the use of local and seasonal ingredients, as well as mixing several techniques.
2. Paco Méndez
He realized he was interested in gastronomy when he was quite young and studied at Ambrosia Culinary Center . Years later, he started working at Spain's best restaurants with some of the best chefs in the world , such as Koldo Royo, Juan Mari Arzak , and Albert Adri à. In 2004, along with Adrià , he opened “Hoja Santa” in Barcelona and a year later he was awarded a Michelin star.
3. Cosme Aguilar
Cosme Aguilar
was born in Chiapas and used to be a mechanic. When he was 20 and arrived into the U.S. to try and improve his financial situation. He started working as a doorman in a French restaurant where he later worked as a cook. Little by little, he learned about French cuisine until he opened Casa Enrique in 2012 , the first Latin restaurant in New York to be awarded a Michelin star . At his restaurant , Aguilar preserves his family's recipes .
4. Roberto Ruíz
He worked as a dishwasher at night and then was granted a scholarship at Ambrosia Culinary Center . Later, he moved to Spain to cook at the Royal Board of Trustees of the Prado Museum . He opened “ Punto MX ” in Madrid in 2012, the first Mexican-style restaurant in Europe. Ruíz was awarded his first Michelin star in 2015.
5. Carlos Gaytán
Carlos Gaytán
was born in Huitzuco, Guerrero . He started working in the culinary world at 20 years old when he migrated to Chicago to fulfill his dreams. A year later, he went from working in the kitchen's pantry at the Sheraton North Shore Hotel to becoming a cook. In 2004 he became the executive chef at Bistrot Margot and in 2008, he opened “ Mexique ”, which was considered as one of the best restaurants in 2009 and the best restaurant in 2010 . In 2012, his restaurant was awarded its first Michelin star . Carlos now works at “ Há ”, at the Xcaret hotel.