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The head of the Mexican Employers' Confederation (COPARMEX), Gustavo de Hoyos Walther , said that the strikes taking place in Matamoros, Tamaulipas , might be local but it has a national impact and many jobs are at risk .
On Friday, around 40,000 employees from 40 companies in Matamoros began a strike . After the Decree of Fiscal Stimulus of the Northen Border was issued, which contemplates a substantial reduction of the corporate taxes , the employees demanded a 20% pay raise and an MXN $32,000 bonus .
Workers from at least 45 textile factories expressed their discontent after their demands were rejected and stopped the operations.
Nevertheless, some textile factories such as CTS, AFX, Core, and Politech publicly announced that they accepted the workers' demands and asked them to return to work.
On Sunday, a total of 19 textile factories in Tamaulipas had agreed to implement a 20% pay raise and grant an MXN $32,000 bonus in order to end with the strike .
Other 20 factories are still negotiating with the workers .
The textile factories that are now operating are Inteva 1, Inteva 2, Inteva 3, Polytech, AFX Industries, Core, CTS, Core Composities, Fypon, Edemsa, Dura, Stillman, Autolive, Trico, Aipsa, Easy Way, Cambridge, and Salinera La Voladeña.