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There are 23 million dogs and 6 million cats in Mexico in 54% of the homes, which is why it is essential to learn how to help them and meet their needs in the event of an earthquake or a natural disaster.
The September 19 , 2017 earthquake that struck Mexico City, leaving 228 deathly victims , around 40 collapsed buildings , and 11,500 buildings either lightly or seriously damaged .
Experts share the following tips to help your cat or dog , or any other pet you have at home:
*Emergency kit
: it's recommended to keep a survival kit near the door, it's also important to consider to add a bag of pet food , at least 3 kilos, a water bottle, and bags to pick up their poop.
*Stay calm
: your family comes first, organize the adults, and divide the work. If there are children present, carry them and open your door so everyone can leave, including your dog . If it's possible, put on their leash to forbid them from running away, as they usually get scared.
it's important that your dog always has his nameplate on, with their name and a phone number engraved on it, in case they get lost, someone is able to contact you.
It's important to update their pictures and have pictures where your pet can be seen clearly, in case it's necessary to share them if they go missing.
In the face of these eventualities, there are times when you could find a lost pet , and this is what you can do:
*Keep them safe:
Try to catch them, they're probably as scared as you, but try to stay calm. Approach them quietly and lovingly, stretch your arm little by little and allow them to smell your hand.
* Soothe them: once you approached them, give them a treat and try to soothe them using a soft voice and pet them if they allow it.
* Temporary home : check their nameplate and while you contact the owner , give the pet a temporary home . In case they don't have a nameplate or contact information , take a picture of them and post it on social media with a hash-tag of the neighborhood where you found them.
* Wounds : make sure they're not hurt, check the way they walk or move, in case you notice something strange, try to help them and if it's necessary, take them to the vet .