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Mexico City is getting ready to celebrate its 41st LGBTTTI Pride March , an event that seeks to promote sexual diversity and protest against discrimination. As in previous years, the March will feature Mexican stars and celebrities who will take part in the event to celebrate our differences through art. This year’s theme will be “Orgullo 41: Ser es Resistir” (Pride 41: To Be is to Resist) .
It is worth noting that the number 41 is of particular importance to Mexico’s LGBTTTI community , since it alludes to a police raid made in 1901 under mandate of President Porfirio Díaz, who ordered to break up a party of homosexuals from Mexico City’s high society. This historic episode became known as “ The Dance of the 41 .”
The event will take place on Saturday, June 29 , starting in the Angel of Independence at 10:00 a.m. The famous movie director Manolo Caro , known for making the Netflix TV series La Casa de las Flores , will be one of the main hosts of the 2019 Pride March.
Today we bring you a list of 10 celebrities that have confirmed their assistance to this world-class event:
1- Pambo:
One of the most important LGBTTTI activists in Mexico, she is a singer and musician who has participated in several campaigns against discrimination.
2- Aristemo:
Actors Emilio Osorio and Joaquín Bondoni became a gay power-couple after giving life to Aristóteles and Cuauhtémoc in a Mexican LGBTTTI-themed soap opera called “Mi marido tiene familia”
3- María León:
The singer has expressed her support for the LGBTTTI community on several occasions.

4- Zemmoa:
The trans Mexican singer, composer, filmmaker and model will be a guest of honor in the 41st edition of the LGBTTTI march.
5- Esteman:
This year, the Colombian singer Esteban Mateus Williamson, known as Esteman, launched a new album called “Amor Libre” (Free Love), with songs that talk about romantic love in all of its forms and shapes.
6- Torreblanca:
The Mexican rock-pop band will also be at the event this year.

7- Jaime Kohen:
The Mexican singer uses his music to “connect people to an extent where they forget their differences.”
8- The full cast of “La Más Draga:”
The stars of the reality show “La Más Draga” (The Most Drag), a Mexican version of Ru Paul’s Drag Race, will also shine at the parade.
9- “México de Colores” Dance Company
: This artistic group seeks to vindicate Mexican folklore and sexual diversity
10- Mexico City’s Gay Choir
: More than five years have passed since the group was formed and they’ve already become an artistic landmark in Mexico’s LGBTTTI community