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The Ministry of Social Development (SEDESO) has identified 150 children who work in the streets; each generating between MXN$300 and 600 per day.
José Ramón Amieva
, head of the SEDESO, indicated that to prevent minors from being exploited, the "Out of Danger Children Program" was launched, through which health, food, and care services are provided to 47 minors.
To complement this program, SEDESO yesterday signed a collaboration agreement with the local Ministry of Public Education so that children can receive educational services and access to the Free School Supplies and Equipment Program.
The Ministry of Social Development said that of the 47 children who are being cared for by the Center for Assistance and Social Integration (CAIS) Coruña , 27 are in a position to receive education.
"We have detected a large population that comes mainly from the State of Mexico, Oaxaca, and Guerrero . I could say that they arrive in groups, an adult is established with two or three children and then they literally exploit them , making them sell candies, play some instrument, sing or simply ask for money.”
"(...) They are children who obviously have problems, all children who are in this type of situation have problems, first cognitive , like speech difficulties, they require support to increase their learning potential; also they have r espiratory problems and intestinal problems . We have had cases of children who have hepatitis ," he said.
The Minister of Education, Mauricio Rodríguez Alonso , indicated that three courses of action will be worked out with this group of 27 children: they will be taught to read and write , in case they are falling behind in education they will be regularized and supported so that they can incorporate into the National Education System .