UNAM gets reinforcements
Tomorrow, thousands of students, professors, and employees of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) return to their daily routines after the Summer holidays. As EL UNIVERSAL has documented, the authorities at our main university implemented several security measures, such as the installation of metal fences, security cameras and panic buttons, all in an effort to fight insecurity and drug sales at the University City campus – where there is evidence of active cells linked to the Tlahuac cartel. Although, despite the death of drug lord Felipe de Jesús Pérez, El Ojos , drug sales have carried on as usual. Will the University community have a safer return after the summer break?
The “stand-in” stage at the Mexican Senate
The Mexican Senate is about to enter into its “stand-in” stage, our sources say, considering several senators are interested in becoming governor candidate nominees or federal deputies for the upcoming elections of 2018 , in almost half of the States. To their great dismay, no doubt, they continue aiming to stay public servants regardless of their ungrateful positions and their well-remunerated pockets. Such is how things are, and thus, Parliament coordinators, Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) member Emilio Gamboa and National Action Party (PAN) member Fernando Herrera Ávila – who have secured their place at the plurinominal lists to enter San Lazaro – will be left with several “stand-in” legislators, according to our sources, to supervise key commission presidencies, which will, in turn, cause a terrible impact on the daily activities of the High Chamber. Ah, the contradictions of democracy…
The PVEM game and the 2018 elections
The blossoming flirtation between the Green Party (PVEM) and the initiative of the Wide Democratic Front (FAD) of Alejandra Barrales and Ricardo Anaya, may wither and die in the upcoming weeks, our sources in the Senate say, since the Green Party spokesman, Senator Carlos Alberto Puente Salas, has stated he aims to talk to the enemies of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) , they long-time partner, and tell them he needs their votes now more than ever to remain at Los Pinos (official residence of the Mexican president), reason why it would be complicated for the PRI members to leave their ally behind.
They want to get
settled, but...
After three hours of all Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) members sitting all together, talking about their differences of opinion regarding the process of the XXII National Assembly, and whether or not the presidential candidate of their party should be chosen through militancy, the national party leader, Enrique Ochoa Reza , and the so-called dissidents agreed that during round table sessions they should not give the appearance of internal strife, but this shouldn't halt the debate. Whoever orchestrated the meetings should not be too confident.