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The French film director Luc Besson , accompanied by the protagonists of the film Valerian , Cara Delevingne and Dane DeHaan , offered a press conference to present their film in Mexico .
When introducing himself to the public, Besson asked that those present allowed them to see their faces and lower their cell phones. He was followed by mode l Cara Delevingne who said: "We want to see your beautiful faces."
When asked about what can people expect from the film, actor Dane DeHaan said: "I think my mind does not go as far as it does Luc Besson's. When I read the script for the first time all the visuals were a little overwhelming and, at the same time, all the visual, the aliens, the effects were all dense; there were times when I could not identify myself with the worlds, so I had to turn to Luc to explain me. I think he had to do it about twenty times and I still do not get all of it."
Cara Delevingne, who defined the film as epic , a piece to take your breath away and as a roller coaster , expressed her joy at being part of this project: "In every movie I make, I feel that I learn a lot from the incredible directors and actors with whom I work, look at the two that are sitting next to me. I am like a child and I become a sponge ... I have never felt that I had honored a character as I did in this one. I just realize all the work I can do when I am totally focused."
Relaxed, in a good mood and smiling, they agreed to answer some questions from the national and international press that met at a hotel located in Paseo de la Reforma, Mexico City.
Besson, director of other films such as The Fifth Element , stressed the importance of supporting national cinema.