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is working to place itself at the forefront of nuclear energy production and consolidate itself as a power in its development, production, and export at an international level.
The State Atomic Energy Corporation , ROSATOM , has become a leader in the global nuclear technology market. It currently operates 35 plants on Russian territory and has the capacity to work simultaneously on 34 other construction projects in Europe, Southeast Asia, North Africa and the Middle East.
While the United States turns its back on the Paris Agreement on climate change, Moscow positions nuclear power as a real alternative that will allow countries to reduce their carbon emissions. Regarding the serious problem of shortage of drinking water , it proposes nuclear power plants that also have the capacity to desalinate water .
If the problem is to supply distant localities in extreme conditions, it advances a floating nuclear power plant . Given the huge concern over what to do with waste, Russia responds with radioactive oil recycling projects, and if the problem is security, it has developed a "passive" system which allows to turn off the systems without requiring human presence or electricity.
In Latin America , it has signed exchange agreements on education with Bolivia and in Paraguay there are projects on the application of radiation technology in the health and food sectors.
Russia is blunt in demonstrating that its goal is to conquer the international market and it plans that by the year 2030, 65% of the ROSATOM contracts will be abroad.
Its division dedicated to the generation of electric power (Rosenergoatom) aims to consolidate itself as a company of global relevance in the next 13 years.
In order to achieve this, it has developed projects such as its Floating Nuclear Power Plant (FNPP). The FNPP will have two KLT-40S reactors and will be able to generate 70 megawatts (MW), providing the capacity to supply the heating for a population of 100 thousand inhabitants and electricity for 2.500 houses , explained to EL UNIVERSAL ROSATOM sources .
This project has already attracted the attention of countries in Asia, the Middle East, South America , and in particular Indonesia , the same sources added.
But that is not all, Russia is thinking of all the applications that nuclear energy can have, so it promotes Nuclear Science and Technology Centers through which it builds research reactors in the health, education, industry, and agriculture fields.