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Attacks with explosives, due to their generally clandestine nature, their intent to cause material or physical harm, and the message they send (hate or fear), are deplorable acts which deserve public condemnation. They are also signs of the existence of intolerant and dissident groups that need to refocus their demands to express them through the democratic way.
This Tuesday, a bomb at the office doors of the Mexican Episcopal Conference left material losses and raised questions that need immediate answers. Was it the attack of a group seeking the spotlight? Or was it just one person behind it? Was the ultimate goal to physically harm the Catholic clergy? A detailed investigation could help shed some light on the causes.
For the Secretariat of the Interior, this action is attributable to hate. Without question, this is one of the most logical hypothesis, yet we need the authorities to investigate to leave no loose ends, prevent similar attacks, and know the true motives of the people – or person – behind it.
This bombing is not the first act of violence against the Catholic Church. The Multimedia Catholic Center reported that under the current administration, 18 priests have been murdered – three this year – in addition to the other 17 priests registered during the previous administration, and the assault with a melee weapon against a priest at the Metropolitan Cathedral just two months ago. For this organization, Mexico is the most dangerous country to priests.
In recent years, Mexico has raised efforts to increase tolerance in the country, to increase acceptance of the “other” and respect our differences. Actions have been more focused on matters regarding sexual orientation and diversity, so perhaps it is time to reinforce religious freedom – including those who choose not to believe and those with different ideologies. The bloodiest conflicts in history have always arisen from a difference in religious beliefs.
Any trace of the existence of a hate group needs to be contained and their points of view need to be directed through legal means, additionally to identifying the social detonator which caused the presence of groups with such approaches and avoid their propagation.
Strengthening respect and tolerance result in safe and free countries where harmonious coexistence is possible. That path seems a bit further away from us, today.