Más Información
Ramírez Cuéllar propone una Cumbre urgente entre México, EU y Canadá; legislador busca fortalecer unión de América del Norte
Detienen a persona vinculada al homicidio del magistrado Edmundo Román Pinzón; Fiscalía de Guerrero continúa con las indagatorias
Sheinbaum entrega tarjetas Pensión Mujeres Bienestar en Morelos; más de 16 mil derechohabientes serán beneficiadas
PAN cuestiona precio de la gasolina; "es un golpe directo al bolsillo de las familias mexicanas": Jorge Romero
Consulados de México en EU implementan acciones de apoyo a connacionales; inauguran primera ventanilla de salud en Cleveland
PRI-PVEM Divorce
The ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) took with real calm the announcement of the Green Party (PVEM) senator, Pablo Escudero , when he revealed the senators' coordinator, Carlos Alberto Puente , as the PVEM candidate to the Mexican Presidency of 2018. Our sources say “it's normal” that Jorge Emilio González Martínez , known as El Niño Verde (the Green Boy), has begun with a campaign strategy in order to “raise” the cost of a possible alliance with its natural ally, the PRI. Yesterday's revelation adds up to all the recent flirting of the PVEM with leftist Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) and conservative National Action Party (PAN) in order to join the Wide Democratic Front and form a bloc capable of contending against the PRI and far-left National Regeneration Movement Party (MORENA) in the upcoming 2018 elections. Sure of themselves, PRI members are certain that, when the time comes, the Green Party will countersign their historic campaign “marriage”. Nevertheless, some voices within the PVEM speak of a divorce. Will this couple have a future?
PAN Notary Giveaway
In this space we would like to inform you of how some members of the conservative National Action Party (PAN) were upset because they considered, at the very least, improper and even suspicious the decision of the government of the State of Mexico to grant a notary to the daughter of former PAN president of the State – who was until last week the PAN's representative at the National Electoral Institute (INE) – Francisco Gárate . Mr. Francisco was swiftly relieved from his position at the INE. Now we know that the wife of the PAN leader in the State of Mexico – and current federal legislator, Ulises Ramírez – also received a notary in this state. Will Ulises receive the same treatment Gárate did? Will he keep his position? Will he remain a PAN member at all? Evidence points out the PAN is having a notary giveaway.
Touristic Paradox
Our sources say current director of the National Fund for Tourism Development (FONATUR), also the former governor of Zacatecas, Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) member, Miguel Alonso Reyes , is currently living a paradox. During his administration as governor, today's man in charge of promoting tourism in Mexico and encouraging touristic developments, closed the famous cable railway in Zacatecas. Back then, safety reasons were given to justify the closure – and the involvement in this issue of the National Institute of Anthropology and History – but several doubts remained regarding the fact that the cable railway construction was a direct awarding and unspecified material were allegedly used in its construction. Now, we are told this project could have helped people in Zacatecas and the Federal Government promote tourism in the area – which certainly needs to benefit from the tourism industry. Will someone come save the cable railway?
The Messages of Moreno Valle
Two direct messages sent yesterday the former governor of Puebla and aspiring candidate to presidency nomination, Rafael Moreno Valle , with the event he organized yesterday at the National Auditorium in Mexico City. The first message was to the left Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) members and the members of his own party. In his speech, as we're told, Mr. Rafael said the eventual candidate of the Wide Democratic Front should have to be chosen through an election, since he said there are no “plurinominal presidents.” His second message, according to our sources, was that whomever is contending for this candidacy should be able to attract thousands of people, as he proved he could do yesterday when he filled the Auditorium to capacity. That's how high he set the bar. We'll have to wait and see if another member of the conservative National Action Party (PAN) is able to set it higher.