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Isaac Hernández
took his first ballet steps in the courtyard of his house, just where his mother hanged the clothes. Later, with the support of his parents, he managed to turn his passion for dance into a professional practice. Today, at 27 , Isaac is the first dancer of the English National Ballet (ENB), one of the most important companies in the world.
Hernández has participated in the American Ballet Theater Company in New York, the San Francisco Ballet and the Netherlands National Ballet . In addition, he has been in charge of the English National Ballet since 2015 and this year his company was awarded the "Oliver Awards," under the category of " Exceptional achievement to dance ".
"It has been a great challenge to be the first dancer of the ENB because I am in a position where I must always dance to perfection, and it is very difficult because the body or the mind can make a mistake. However, with my work and talent, I continue to contribute so that in each function the company continues to be recognized as one of the most important, "said Hernández, via telephone from Tokyo .
The Mexican is doing a 21-day tour in Japan with his company, where he will present the productions of Corsario and Coppélia , which he will dance with the Canadian Tamara Rojo at the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan .
"Japan has a rich culture in ballet, it's a tradition that goes from generation to generation. In each of my presentations, I not only represent the Mexican ballet , also the artistic culture of my country. My profession is very demanding, but it motivates me to think that through my work I can open doors for more Mexicans," Hernández said.
On August 12, Isaac Hernández will bring to the Auditorio Nacional in Mexico City the show Despertares 2017 , where the international elite of ballet and modern dance will perform together. "It will be one of the most important shows of the year," said the dancer.
Despertares 2017 will have only one function and will present 35 artists from 14 international companies including the New York City Ballet, the Paris Opera, the Vienna Opera Ballet and the Munich Opera Ballet . The program includes pieces never before seen in Mexico and Latin America , assembled by the most relevant international choreographers, such as " In The Middle of Somewhat Elevated" by William Forsythe; "Two Pieces for Het" by Hans Van Manen and "Dust" by Akram Khan.
The event will also stage two Israeli dancers who have revolutionized dance with new technologies, as well as Savion Glover , considered one of the best tap dancers in the world and who performed the choreography of the movie Happy Feet . Isaac will perform The Black Swan with Tamara Rojo , while his brother Esteban will dance more traditional pieces from the Russian repertoire . "This project is extremely ambitious and unique in the whole world. In the repertoire of Despertares we have created a space for new dancing, new vision, and the dance of the future ," concluded Hernández.