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Guillermo Haro
, federal attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa), said that the tiny porpoise population consists of 100 mammals , a figure that is three times higher than the one estimated by the International Committee for the Recovery of the Vaquita (CIRVA), which indicated in its last count that only about 30 specimens of this cetacean remain.
In a press conference, Haro said that the institution intends to rescue, within the program of recovery of this endemic species, at least 100 individuals that still survive in the Gulf of California and send them to a reserve in the US.
"The figures we have from scientific studies indicate a population of more than 100. The idea is to take all of them gradually," he said.
The head of Profepa informed that together with the Ministry of Navy (Semar) and the National Commission of Aquaculture and Fisheries (Conapesca), they monitor the 7456,4 miles (12 thousand kilometers) that comprise the polygon in the Upper Gulf of California, which has been decreed for the protection of the animal.
Haro said that next February , Mexico will present a report to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which will detail the Mexican government's efforts to save the tiny porpoise from extinction and to not include the Gulf of California on the list of endangered world heritages .