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In order to stop fuel theft in Mexican Petroleums (Pemex) pipelines, the federal government will implement the Colombian model and will generate regional areas of intelligence to fight this crime, informed the Attorney General of Mexico, Raúl Cervantes.
He informed about their contact with the National Police of Colombia and Pemex's approach with the Colombian oil industry to exchange experiences and technology to find a solution to the illegal pipeline taps and fuel theft.
“We are creating approval criteria with the Colombians, who managed to decrease this crime with protocols and guides, given to us by both the prosecutors and the National Police of Colombia,” said Cervantes.
During the first regular session of the South East Justice Procurement Conference, Raúl Cervantes detailed that the fuel theft crime has already been addressed.
Joined by the Assistant Attorney of Human Rights, Sara Irene Herrerías, the host Carlos Joaquín González, governor of the state of Quintana Roo, among others, Cervantes mentioned the relevance of international cooperation, since criminal phenomena are increasingly similar in both countries.
On May 30, EL UNIVERSAL published an interview with the Colombian Finance Minister, Mauricio Cárdenas, who asserted that Mexico can stop fuel theft if actions are taken fast with the appropriate technology.
“If you want, you can. There is a productive and permanent dialogue between Pemex and Ecopetrol, two state companies that have many joint working opportunities,” he commented.
In the South East Conference, Cervantes explained the necessity of collaborative work in regional zones, both within and outside of the country, to share intelligence and attack the crime phenomena; as an example, he said that it is precisely what is being done as an integral model regarding crimes against freedom of speech.
He recalled that a national consultation began in order to improve the new Criminal Justice System, in which participate the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the Center for Economic Research and Teaching (CIDE), and the National Institute of Criminal Sciences (Inacipe).
“There are those who criticize the system and long for the previous one, and there are others who recognize that the implementation of the system can be of great benefit to the population in the future.”