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Ante medidas anunciadas por gobierno de EU, PAN urge plan integral; exige compartir estrategias implementadas

Siguen conversaciones con administración de Trump, dice Sheinbaum; “estamos obligados a tener una buena relación con EU”
One girl asked him to be her grandad to which Stan Lee smiled; another one asked him what kind of hero would Mexico need in today's situation and he answered he's currently working on a Latin one.
Later on, Stan, who is 94, became honor witness to Humberto Ramos', Mexican illustrator who works for Marvel, marriage proposal on stage and then Lee said that he remembered the time when he created Spider-man and his publicist told him it wouldn't work.
That was the “double” personality the most prolific superhero creator of the globe showed for the 20 minutes that he shared with his fans at the Comics Convention of Querétaro (Conque), which ended yesterday.
Once his appearance had started, Stan's personality came to light:
“My Spanish is not so good, so I'm not going to speak to you in Spanish, I'm trying to improve my Spanish!”, he explained.
Minutes later, he surprised the audience when he gave the news that a new superhero would see the light at the end of the year if things turn out the way the are supposed to.
“I always wanted this to be a surprise, but I'm currently working on a Latin superhero that you guys will be seeing by the end of the year. I want to do this as good as I can, as different as I can, I want to give this hero the best artist possible and by the end of the year you will all meet a new superhero.” he said, without giving further details.
At the end, Lee went back on stage, but with a little more Stan in him. In Spider-man: Homecoming, which will premiere in Mexican theaters on July 6th, his cameo was more than necessary.
“If I weren't there, maybe you wouldn't go to see the movie, so I made sure I was in it”, said the creative man before finally saying goodbye.