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PRI y PAN exigen a Sheinbaum “postura firme” ante Trump; destacan apoyo a migrantes y una América del Norte más integrada

Legisladores de Morena y oposición reprueban acciones de Trump contra migrantes; llaman a la unidad nacional

Beca Rita Cetina 2025 reprograma entrega de tarjetas para febrero; consulta la nueva fecha para recoger tu plástico

Cónsul de México en Nogales, Arizona, activa estrategia de apoyo a migrantes; contarán con traslado a centrales de autobuses y albergues

Sheinbaum felicita a Trump como nuevo presidente de EU; destaca respeto y cooperación en la relación
Luis Videgaray, Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs, participated in a discussion in the University of Miami organized by the Miami Herald and moderated by journalist Andrés Oppenheimer. Videgaray mentioned that the resolution taken by the Organization of American States (OAS) about Venezuela's crisis should be precise and include the necessity of opening humanitarian channels.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, described Videgaray's declarations as “infamous” and “immoral.”
“Venezuela rejects the infamous and immoral declarations of Luis Videgaray which express their submission to the Hegemon country to protect his failed State,” wrote Rodríguez on her Twitter account.
The Foreign Minister considered "regrettable that the Mexican government attacks Latin American nations and that it seriously and massively violates the human rights of its own people."
The head of the Venezuelan diplomacy considered that Videgaray "seeks the impossible: to build a wall between our nations, united by historical ties of indissoluble dignity."