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Conductor Elim Chan (1986) will direct for the first time the National Autonomous University of Mexico's Philarmonic Orchestra (OFUNAM) as guest conductor in the Sala Nezahualcóyotl, located on the central campus of the University.
On May 27 and 28, Chan, born in Hong Kong, will walk up the podium as principal host conductor, with a program which includes the Overture to Candide by Bernstein, Concert for Piano by Gershwin and Study of Harmony by Adams.
Chan “became the first woman in winning the Donatella Flick Conducting Competition held by the London Symphony Orchestra and due to this recognition she was designated as associate conductor from 2015-2016” of the OFUNAM, stated Cultura UNAM through its newsletter.
In addition, Chan has directed the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, among others.
The pianist Conrad Tao, graduated from Juilliard School and the University of Columbia, will be the soloist in this particular program.
The artistic director of the OFUNAM is the Italian Massimo Quarta.
The concerts will be performed on May 27, at 20 hours and the 28, at 12 hours in Mexico City. The prices of the tickets are MXN$240, $160 and $100 pesos. Students, professors and the elderly have a discount of 50 percent. The tickets are available in the Sala Nezahualcóyotl.