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Journalists from all regions of western state of Michoacán called upon national and international media, international agencies and the whole of the Mexican society to demand the Mexican government the prompt appearance, alive and well, of Salvador Adame Pardo, journalist and director of 6TV in the municipality of Múgica who was abducted last Thursday 18 by a group of heavily armed assailants.
Over 300 communicators from the state of Michoacán signed a manifesto that condemned how a week has passed from the abduction and yet not a single word of Adame Pardo’s whereabouts has been pronounced on behalf of the authorities.
“It has been over a week since the disappearance of our colleague, journalist Salvador Adame Pardo, owner of 6TV channel of the Múgica municipality in Michoacán, last Thursday May 18, and yet, none of the actions undertaken and reported by the state government, in close coordination with the federal government for his location, have produced any results.
There has not been a single report or statement issued on behalf of the federal authorities regarding his case, apart from the statement confirming his disappearance a day after his abduction. The statement reported that the case had been relayed to the Special Prosecutor’s Office for Crimes against Freedom of Expression (FEADLE).
[…] Salvador Adame Pardo is still missing and there is no certainty on the effectiveness of the actions reported (by authorities) to determine his whereabouts.
Consequently, as journalists and media workers in Michoacán we call upon the national and international journalist community, national and international human rights agencies and society in general to add to our demand to the Mexican Government for their earnest action in this case and to determine the whereabouts of our colleague, Salvador Adame Pardo, without haste.
We call upon all of you to demand that Salvador does not become part of slain and abducted journalists in Mexico.
¡For the location of Salvador Adame Pardo!
¡For an alive journalism!"