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Declarar cárteles como terroristas afectará T-MEC y no terminará la violencia: expertos; ven “injerencismo” y “publicidad”

Suman 31 muertos en ola violenta en Michoacán; recuento de ataques, quema de negocios y hasta festejo a “El Mencho”

Dan 11 años de cárcel a maestro de secundaria por violación a alumna en la CDMX; investigación inició en 2022
National and international media, as well as press associations such as the America Group of Daily Newspapers (GDA), the Inter-American Press Associations (IAPA) and PEN Mexico, have denounced a “murderous offensive” against Mexican journalists for investigating and disclosing criminal activities, particularly those associated with the organized crime in Mexico.
Over 30 national and international media, including news sites, daily newspapers, TV and radio stations, as well as press agencies have demanded the Mexican government to guarantee the right to information, the safety of Mexican journalists and of those tasked with informing society in our country.
Additionally, the manifesto includes that the expression of ideas should not be subject to persecution, as it constitutes an essential right of freedom of speech and the exercise of the journalistic duty in Mexico:
“In Mexico, impunity, corruption and the organized crime, in particular, have endangered the fundamental duty of keeping society informed.
As communicators, we denounce the murderous offensive experienced by members of our guild, during the exercise of their informative duty, in the investigation and disclosure of criminal activities, namely, drug violence in Mexico.”
Forums to determine the measures against threats and attacks to journalists were also announced under the “unity of a single voice”, as well as the demand for journalists safety and for the good of the society.
The manifesto is signed in alphabetical order and features large media groups as well as the America Group of Daily Newspapers (GDA), which features the 10 most influential newspapers in Latin America including EL UNIVERSAL. The America Group of Daily Newspaper’s lists over 2,900 journalists I the region as well as correspondents in over 25 countries.
Other signatories include the Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the defense and promotion of freedom of the press and of expression in the Americas.
Five journalists have been murdered in so far this year: Javier Valdez from news outlet RíoDoce, Miroslava Breach from La Jornada, Maximino Rodríguez from Colectivo Pericú, Ricardo Monlui from El Sol de Córdoba, Cecilio Pineda from La Voz de Tierra Caliente and Filiberto Álvarez from La Señal.
After the latest murders, the Mexican government committed to action and assured that no impunity would be tolerated in these crimes. Intensification efforts for the defense of journalists and human rights defenders and activists was also