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Eva Cadena, congresswoman of the National Regeneration Party (MORENA), pleaded not guilty to the crimes that she was charged with and asked to review the videos in which she could allegedly be seen receiving money, apparently to fund her campaign and for Andrés Manuel López Obrador, leader of the party.
The legislator from Veracruz arrived this Wednesday to appear before the Instruction Section of the Chamber of Deputies, where she faces a process of immunity removal requested by the Special Prosecutor's Office for Electoral Crimes (FEPADE).
Accompanied by two lawyers, Mrs. Cadena, "The Collector", as she has been called after the scandal, arrived in the Legislative Palace of San Lázaro around 12:30 and did not take more than 30 minutes to leave.
According to the President of the Instruction Section, Ricardo Ramírez Nieto, Cadena Sandoval made her written statement in which she pleaded innocent of the electoral crimes she is charged with.
Upon her departure, Eva Cadena called for respect for the process that she is being subjected to.
Starting today, a period of 30 days is planned: 5 for evidence and 25 for analysis. It is expected that the future of Cadena Sandoval as deputy will be decided July 7.