José Antonio N, aka “La Hamburgesa”, leader of the Gulf Cartel in Zacatecas, was captured in that entity by agents of the Ministry of Defense (SEDENA) and the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC) of the Attorney General's Office (PGR).

The confrontations between Cartel members and federal agents to secure the apprehension of “La Hamburgesa” in Sierra Madre Sur crossed the 5-hour mark.

José Antonio N. is considered one of the 122 Top Priority Objectives of the Federal Government, listed at the beginning of President Enrique Peña Nieto's administration.

“La Hamburgesa” was apprehended along with two alleged accomplices: Armando N, aka “El Huevotes” and Ernesto N, aka “Don Garras”, who served as escort.

José Antonio N is regarded as one of the main generators of violence in Zacatecas and several executions and abductions in the region are attributed to him.

Intelligence information from federal agencies indicates that he may have criminal influence over Michoacan and the State of Mexico.

“La Hamburgesa” became leader and coordinator of a Gulf Cartel cell in the municipality of Mier, Tamaulipas, position which he gained after the deaths of his superiors.

José Antonio N has three arrest warrants for the crimes of injuries, homicide and organized crime in its modality of terrorism.

With this apprehension, 107 objectives have been detained so far.


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