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The excavations which Project Main Temple (Proyecto Templo Mayor) is presently undertaking in what used to be the sacred premises of ancient Tenochtitlan keep delivering surprises. One of the last findings that the team of archaeologist Leonardo López Luján has recovered on the base of the Main Temple is an offering containing marine fauna remains, a golden disc, and a wolf's skeleton.
According to the archeologist, they are currently recovering this offering which presents conservation problems due to damage caused by sewers built during the end of the 19th century. “The most preserved object is the skeleton of the wolf,” commented the researcher yesterday, after a tour of the exhibition “Our Blood. Our Color” (Nuestra Sangre. Nuestro color), which will be open at the Museum of the Main Temple until August 20.
“What we are discovering is that not only volcanic rock sculptures were painted, but also those made from other materials, like flint, pottery, and human bones,” said the archeologist. One of the main pieces is precisely a decorated and painted human skull representing Mictlantecuhtli, the God of Death.