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Sheinbaum prepara reforma para desaparecer a pluris; cuestiona a Noroña si defiende “la lista o la representación de las minorías”

Sheinbaum expresa su solidaridad con familia de niños asesinados en Sinaloa; instruye a Segob a atender el caso

Sheinbaum reacciona a dichos de Trump que relación con México “va muy bien”; comunicación con EU será más formal
Tecnoradio deceit starts a fire
The Tecnoradio file has started a fire, mainly between the Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT) and the Secretary of Communications and Transportation (SCT), headed by Gerardo Ruiz Esparza. What happened? The IFT says that the office Mr. Gerardo green lit 167 interested in participating in the tender for radio frequencies but received only those approved by the SCT. But, we are told, the file will take on greater proportions when Tecnoradio loses just over 41 million pesos left in guarantee, because it deceived the IFT by hiding its relations with another radio group, Radiorama. Terrible first impression left the first radio station tender, which hits hard on the credibility of Ruiz Esparza and Contreras. The worst part is that a new exercise comes in September for another television network.
Peña Nieto before journalists
Facing the complaints by graphic reporters about the recent murders of journalists, President Enrique Peña Nieto did not step aside and spoke with them. Minutes earlier, some called for “justice” and “no more speeches”. In his own house, Los Pinos, the president approached photographers and cameramen to tell them that there is a commitment of the Federal, State and Mexico City governments to strengthen institutional capacity and ensure that Mexico remains a democratic country which respects freedom of expression. "To each of you as guildmates of those who have fallen, I embrace you with my greatest solidarity" and "be sure that these crimes will not go unpunished." That was the presidential commitment, hours after the crime of the journalist, Javier Valdez.
Barbosa maneuver exposed
Senator Miguel Barbosa announced that he would present a point of agreement to the Congress Permanent Commission to demand the transparency of the international tender by the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) to contract security services for its two thousand properties. But Senator Barbosa, we are told, was very quiet when the chamber dismissed the proposal as inadmissible in Wednesday's session. Before, the staff of the institute's director, Mikel Arriola, explained to the legislators the technical aspects and economic benefits of the process, as well as their transparency and legality. Mr. Mikel's delegates said that the tender, in which 22 contestants participate, encourages competition and reduces costs.
Dangerous pics
Was the governor of Puebla, José Antonio Gali, in the wrong place and in the wrong picture? After the name of the presumed huachicolero leader, Antonio Martínez Fuentes, aka, El Toñin, jumped to fame after the confrontation of his criminal group with the Army, versions in Puebla say that he had intended to run for the mayoralty of the municipality of Quecholac, and that he had worked for several months in the construction of a social platform, through the so-called Civil Association Fusion and Force, headed by José Alejandro Martínez Fuentes, brother of El Toñin. Mr. Pepe Alex, as he is known, usually posts photos on his networks with famous people of the entity, among them, governor Antonio Gali and his Coordinator of Inter-Institutional Relationships and Citizen Participation, Fernando Morales Martínez. The images were posted on Martínez Fuentes' Facebook account until last May 15th when they mysteriously vanished from the network.