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Mexicanos Primero ve necesaria una política de evaluación de aprendizajes; existe una crisis educativa, dice
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Accompanied by family and state legislator, Daniel Moncada Sánchez, José Manuel Mireles Valverde, former spokesperson of Michoacan's self-defense organizations, left Tepic's federal penitentiary in the state of Nayarit, also known as “El Riconcito.”
Minutes after 8 (Mexico City Time), José Manuel Mireles walked out the prison's perimeter, located on Tepic free highway, Mazatlán.
Among his priorities, Mireles stated on a brief media encounter, that he is under medical check-up, after suffering two pre-infarction while being in jail.
On the other hand, a state legislator for the political party Citizens' Movement (Movimiento Ciudadano), Daniel Moncada, declared that the release of José Manuel Mireles to confront his criminal trial on probation is not enough, consequently, he will seek Mireles' absolution, who was detained on June 24, 2014, in the municipality of Lázaro Cárdenas.