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Roberta Jacobson, first female U.S. ambassador to Mexico attended the 101 Women Leaders in Mexico Forum from EL UNIVERSAL in Mexico City. Prominent Mexican writer Elena Poniatowska, as well as main figures from the political, journalism and entertainment spheres, were also part of this year’s forum.
During her participation, Jacobson acknowledged the leadership of the rest of the women attendees and hoped that more events like this would take place in the whole of Mexico.
She also took the opportunity to strengthen Mexico-U.S. ties in terms of joint cooperation for the defence of women rights against domestic violence and expressed the U.S. commitment to “collaborate with Mexico in the pursuit of gender equality.”
She expressed her gratitude to both the men and women that, with her time and wisdom, contributed to shaping her as the leader she has become and underlined how her mother played a key role in this process as her prime mentor.
“My mother would tell me “yes, it is possible for women to have it all, but not at the same time”[…] she believed that the professional and personal can take place in due time and that was very important to me.”, Jacobson said.
She added,“I have been blessed with the support of my family […] their support and sacrifice allowed me to reach my professional goals and I’m sure they would say it has all been worth.”
Only last week, Jacobson had expressed her rejection to the murder of prominent Chihuahua journalist, Miroslava Breach, in her twitter account, and urged for justice in her case, as well as for the rest of the journalist killed in Mexico.
Jacobson expressed how all the sacrifices her supportive family had undergone are nothing compared with the violence thousands of women face on a daily basis in Mexico and elsewhere “However, all these sacrifices are not compared with that of fearless women who face violence on a daily basis, like Miroslava Breach. A form of violence that seeks to silence truth and freedom of speech. Let’s honor her bravery and echo the voices of those who seek justice for this and more cases of the kind.”
She also described how a Oaxacan woman she had met only recently exemplified the bravery of women that flee domestic violence, “Rogelia, a Oaxacan woman who fled to the capital city of her state with her two young children escaping from a 10-year domestic violence ordeal.”
Jacobson thanked organizers for the opportunity to “share this space with so many talented women.” and posted a picture on her twitter account, with the message: “Delighted to participate in the #101WomenLeaders from EL UNIVERSAL with women who make a difference.”