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The Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, via the Mexican ambassador to Israel, expressed its profound estrangement, rejection and disappointment towards Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, twitter post where he supports the construction of Mexico-U.S. border wall: “President Trump is right. I built a wall along Israel’s southern border. It stopped all illegal immigration. Great success. Great idea.”
A year ago, Netanyahu expressed his wish to build borders all over Israel “to defend themselves against wild beasts”, he also commented on the border that separated Israel from Egypt and which raises 8 meters above the ground in some sections, as a result of “the increase in the number of infiltration attempts”.
In a release, the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that “Mexico is a friend of Israel and should be treated as such by its Prime Minister”
The Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that only yesterday Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luis Videgaray Caso, expressed Mexico’s endearing affection towards the people of Israel in the occasion of an event held in the Mexican agency to commemorate the International Holocaust Remembrance Day: “Mexico and Israel share an historical rejection of racism and xenophobia; Mexico will continue to work alongside Israel to combat any form of discrimination in the world”.
Additionally, the agency reiterated its respect and admiration for the Jewish people, particularly for the Jewish community in Mexico that “contributes to the construction of a free, fair and prosperous Mexico on a daily basis”.
For his part, Simon Levy, Director General of the Agency for the Promotion of Investments and Development of Mexico City condemned Netanyahu’s message in his twitter account: “Mr. President, shame on you. Mexicans seeks jobs & prosperity. As a Mexican Jewish, I am disappointed with your statement. This IS NOT peace”.
Emmanuel Nahshon, Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesman, twitted that Netanyahu was simply referring his country’s experience in terms of national security: “@IsraeliPM referred to our specific security experience which we are willing to share. We do not express a position on US- Mexico relations”.
Levy also urged Nahshon to have Netanyahu apologize to the people of Mexico: “Dear @EmmanuelNahshon the Prime Minister @IsraeliPM should apologize immediately and personally with people of Mexico. No doubt."
Additionaly, the Jewish community in Mexico distanced itself from Netanyahu’s standpoint by issuing a release which was posted in the twitter account of the Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs:
“The Jewish Community in Mexico distances itself from the message of the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, about the Mexico-U.S. border wall. We do not coincide with him on this regard and we strongly reject his position.
As Mexican and Jews we support the actions undertaken by our government, led by Enrique Peña Nieto in the negotiations with the U.S.
We express our solidarity with our fellow nationals who live, work and contribute to the U.S., who must have their human rights respected at all times, as well as being subject of worthy treatment.
Mr. Moisés Romano, President of the Mexican Jewish Central Committee
Mr. Mauricio Lulka, Director of the Mexican Jewish Central Committee
Mr. Elías Achar, President of the Jewish Tribune
Ms. Renée Dayán-Shabot, Director of the Jewish Tribune