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Confrontación en el Congreso por 100 días de gobierno de Sheinbaum; oposición critica seguridad y salud
Morena pide reforzar mecanismos para repatriación de niños migrantes; busca evitar que sean víctimas de delitos
Caen dos presuntos extorsionadores del dueño de una joyería en la CDMX; exigían efectivo y vehículos
Slim asistirá a toma de protesta de Trump; “nos estamos preparando para negociar”, dicen empresarios ante posibles aranceles
Anuncia Alito Moreno nuevos nombramientos en el PRI; habrá seis voceros, entre ellos Mario Di Costanzo
Rosa Icela Rodríguez: Estamos abiertos al diálogo con gobierno de Trump sobre migración; México está preparado, asegura
Mexico's Economy Minister says his country could leave the North American Free Trade Agreement if talks on re-negotiating it are unsatisfactory.
Ildefonso Guajardo tells the Televisa network that his country will be in a weak position at talks with U.S. President Donald Trump unless Mexico makes it clear it won't accept just anything in order to preserve the three-nation trade pact.
Guajardo says "it would be impossible to sell something here at home unless it has clear benefits for Mexico."
Guajardo said Tuesday that "if we are going to go for something that is less than what we have, it makes no sense to stay."
Trump has pledged to renegotiate the pact between the U.S., Mexico and Canada and slap tariffs on imports.