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Monreal respalda a Sheinbaum en Zacatecas; destaca reforma al Poder Judicial y combate a la corrupción
Presidente del Centro Libanés exige cese inmediato de “atrocidades”; pide respetar la soberanía del pueblo
Niño entrega carta a Sheinbaum en Zacatecas; pide ayuda para su papá, exempleado de Altos Hornos de México
Masacre en Querétaro expone incapacidad de autoridades para garantizar seguridad: Alito Moreno; Gobierno debe asumir responsabilidad, asegura
Sheinbaum: Zacatecas es el estado donde más han bajado los homicidios; reitera respaldo ante los hermanos Monreal
President Enrique Peña Nieto regretted the shooting at the private school in the northern Mexican city of Monterrey on Wednesday morning.
“As a parent and as a president, I regret so much what happened at a school in Monterrey this morning” he wrote on Twitter.
“I share the pain and dismay of the families and the school community,” the president added.
This morning, a 15-year-old boy suffering from depression injured three students and a teacher and then he shot himself at the Colegio Americano del Noroeste.