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Trabajadores del Poder Judicial denuncian violación a derechos por recorte presupuestal; analizan paro de labores

¡Ay nanita! 2025 alcanza récord por frío al llegar a -23°; temperatura mínima registrada desde hace 10 años

Por violencia o migración, INE perfila zonas de atención para elección judicial; falta determinar total de casillas

Buscadoras, activistas y periodistas piden reunión con Sheinbaum; denuncian desplazamiento y hasta feminicidio por su labor
For the first time ever, Mexico's public healthcare system, the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), will allow patients to make appointments online through its IMSS Digital app for smartphones and tablets.
IMSS' General Director, Mikel Arriola, announced that tests for the program are well underway and the service is expected to be launched during the first quarter of 2017.
According to Mikel Arriola, thanks to the new IMSS Digital platform, 19 out of 25 of the healthcare system's most common administrative procedures can now be performed online, which has resulted in savings of nearly 5 billion pesos (nearly 250 million dollars).