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¿Perdiste tu cartilla de Servicio Militar? Te decimos cómo reponerla; consulta los requisitos y su trámite en línea o presencial
1. The coffee shops
Xilitla produces the best coffee of the entire region. In the downtown area of the Magical Town of Xilitla, there are dozens of stores that sell jute bags of locally-grown coffee. You can even taste several varieties of coffee beans at the Café Hostal, which houses a beautiful outdoor restaurant with amazing views of the jungle. You can even go on a coffee tour: www.hotelhostaldelcafe.com.
2. The jewel of Xilitla
The main attraction, of course, is the surrealist garden by Edward James. We recommend spending an entire day at the garden to enjoy its three most famous sculptures: The Hands, The Hall of the Seven Serpents, the Bamboo Palace and the Stairway to the Heavens. Here, you will find several turquoise springs and a 50 meter tall network of waterfalls.
3. Sleep in a tipi
Casa Caracol is a hostal is for the adventure seekers looking to get in touch with nature. Its rooms resemble the typical and ancient tipi homes of Native Americans. On weekends, guests can enjoy Silent Film projects with live music, as well as week-long painting, dancing and photography workshops. For more information, visit: www.xilitlacaracol.com
4. The Pueblo
Don't forget to visit the San Agustín ex-convent. On weekends, tourists can enjoy typical Mexican folk music and a street market where indigenous people sell all kinds of arts and crafts, and food. Don't forget to try a zacahuil, a tamale that's over six and a half feet long stuffed with three different kinds of meat and covered in a spicy red hot pepper sauce.
5. The Sótano de las huahuas caves
This natural wonder is around 1.5 hours away from Xilitla. The company MS Expediciones organizes trips for tourists to see the flight of the vencejo, or common swift, which are known for flying over 1,500 feet into a massive underground cave. The itinerary includes a visit to a natural medicinal center where tourists can learn how to make herbal teas and medicinal capsules. www.msxpediciones.com