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In an effort to promote relations between Mexico and the U.S. and to ensure the well-being of the Mexican community living in the country, Claudia Ruiz Massieu, Mexico's Minister of Foreign Affairs, paid a working visit to Washington, D.C.
According to a press statement released by her department, Ms. Ruiz Massieu met with several key members of U.S. Congress, which included Paul Ryan, the current Speaker of the House of Representatives. During the meeting with the speaker, both the Foreign Minister and Ryan agreed that Mexico has historically had good relations with both Democrat and Republican leaders and members of congress.
Ms. Ruiz Massieu reiterated her and her country's commitment to upholding this tradition.
She also met with Ben Cardin, the Democratic senator with whom she discussed several matters such as the bilateral relation between the two countries and regional foreign affairs.
During both these meetings, the Minister emphasized the importance of NAFTA and the benefits it means for both countries.
Susan Elizabeth Rice, the U.S. National Security Advisor, also met with Ms. Ruiz Massieu, at which time they discussed key matters such as the bilateral relationship, regional competitiveness, security and migration.
The state officials drew attention to the importance of continuing to strengthen bilateral cooperative mechanisms in order to work together towards tackling shared challenges.
In recent months, the Foreign Minister has launched several campaigns in the U.S. through Mexico's embassies and consulates aimed at protecting the rights of Mexican living in the U.S.