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The International Lights Festival 2016 (FILUX) will cover the buildings and streets of Mexico City with colorful projection mappings, light sculptures, architectural lighting and road lighting.
At a press conference, organizers said FILUX aims to create a universal language and highlight the importance of public spaces using various art pieces made with light such as monumental projections and colorful creations made by different artists.
FILUX takes place from November 10 to 13 and will feature 17 interventions throughout the city, including the work of the Austrian artist Teresa Mar, who will illuminate the facade of the Palace of Fine Arts.
The festival will also feature 10 international and 20 national artists who will present their work in places such as the Monument to the Revolution, Santo Domingo Square, Estela de Luz, Alameda Park, the Museum of Light, among others.
FILUX is produced by Cocoliche Lab in an alliance with various institutions and private companies.
All events take place during the night for free.
For more information visit: http://www.filux.info/acercade.html