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Miguel Torruco Marqués, Mexico City's Tourism Minister, tweeted that the NFL game that's being held later tonight at the Estadio Azteca is excellent news for the city's tourism sector because tens of thousands of fans from all over the world are expected to visit the country's capital to watch the game.
“NFL's return to the country is excellent news for the tourism sector. 75,000 spectators, 11 thousand of them foreigners,” he shared on his Twitter account.
After an 11-year hiatus, Mexican NFL fans will once again be able to enjoy a match, this time between the Oakland Raiders and the Houston Texans. Mexico City has celebrated the game by hosting several festivities and events around the city in anticipation of the highly publicized game.
Many events were held all weekend long in anticipation of the highly NFL game tonight. Photo: Luis Cortés / EL UNIVERSAL
According to the Tourism Ministry, 75,000 visitors, 11,000 of them from abroad, will visit Mexico City to watch the game, and are expected to generate around 80 million dollars in revenue for the sector.
Local authorities have carried out preparatory measures in order to handle the influx of people in the city and ensure proper safety measures, and the city's public transportation services are expected to extend their hours as well.